Orbs & Jewels

We live in the last decades, or even years of the end times, as becomes more and more obvious. And just when you think you've seen quite a bit of the supernatural, like healing miracles, money provision, seeing angels and everything else the Bible mentions... well, then there is more:

Orbs, gold dust, angel feathers, even diamonds & precious stones, sometimes the very collection of twelve that the Hebrew priests used to wear on their garments. So... what is this?

Orbs are photographed and filmed all over our planet, and it seems to be a fairly new phenomenon. They appear at both worship services and occult meetings, as well as the New Age world, just to name a few. The conclusion should be that it has to do with the supernatural becoming visible.

here is an explanation from a former preacher, who has delved into the world of quantum physics, the new form of science that allows mysteries:

...or a more scientific approach:

Precious Stones.
The following video will speak for itself. Diamonds have often been present during the Toronto, Brownsville & Lakeland revivals as well.

So... what are we to make of it. These seemingly extra-Biblical gifts & manifestations hint at dangers, such as the involvement of easern religions and a focus, gradually drifting away from Yahweh, towards a deep adoration and even reliance on these gifts.

There is one very important thing, however: we must let go of the fear of many 'taboos' within Christianity. For example, if a new-ager uses crystals, it does not automatically make these beautiful stones evil. We just need to learn to discern between good & evil, and this is not a hard task, when we live in close relationship with the Most High, our Creator. 

I hope to edit this post in the near future, with more details...

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