One-World-Religion vs. True Unity

There are some dangers to look out for, when trying to learn from and understand people from other religions than your own. And here I would like to share my humble thoughts about it.

Many would call it dangerous, when venturing out, away from Christianity. Dangerous to learn the ways of others, and very useless as well. Then I should say by now that watching television and listening to the radio should be taken into account just as much. And then the question remains: Which is distorting which?

There surely is a New World Order on our very doorstep, and a New World Religon has everything to do with it. But as always: no-one would falsify toiletpaper. In other words: it is the precious & powerful gifts like unity, that are being confused, prevented & discouraged.

I keep being astounded at seeing truth unveil, truth which surely is stranger than fiction, as they say. This is true when researching the Anti-Christian world-system, and their hypnotic hold on people, making us actually believe to be living in freedom, while poisoning us, lying straight into our faces and, as I believe, setting up divided religions against one another, when in truth, we ought to stand side by side.

What I see happening nowadays, is a global awakening among small numbers of any religion here on earth. There is a lot of 'Love, Acceptance & Forgiveness' being shared, as has been a major subject in our Church this past year. It makes me furious to have to keep on finding how completely wrong Christianity at large is informed about other religions, how even much of our doctrine is nowhere in line with Torah or Yahshua's words.

Going down to the very roots is where I believe our first step towards unitity lies: the Torah, the book of Christians, Jews & Muslims. Leave the religion part aside, and get right with the Creator. And this is where I now often find common ground with Muslims. And this starts with basic re-discoveries like: hey, so we DO worship the same God

I hope that any who will be reading my blog, will understand my true goal: to honor YHWH, to speak healing & true peace, and moving towards the future Kingdom of YHWH.

thank you for reading.
this is not a final word on the subject, just some thoughts.


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