Muslims - Brothers or Enemies?

As a Christian, I've been brought up to believing many of the lies about Muslims that the media is projecting on us each and every day, through the News, Movies and what not.

If it were not for my inconvenient discoveries while investigating Christianity with all her divisions and very strange ideas (of which i hope to expose quite a few on this blog), I would have just trusted those well learned theologians - those who write books 'exposing Islam'.

In taking all of the mono-theistic 'religions' (Islam, Judaism, Christianity) by their very roots, being the Torah, containing the everlasting guidelines for humanity, through love, forgiveness, equality, harmony and all the things every single prophet reminded us of - well... I call them brothers.

Now I will present a few links, to share what has caused me to end up at these conclusions. And again I will say: Don't be afraid to learn, make up your own mind; but if you want to learn truth, start un-learning all the t.v. propaganda you have swallowed. Get a hunger for the Word. We were meant to live for so much more.

The Arrivals (some 8 Hours of material)
- Muslims about the Anti-Christ world system & Religion. Keep an open mind, and 'take from it what will benefit you, and leave the rest'. Test everything!

the True Face of Islam (youtube, 7 parts)
- Muslim teacher showing his brothers the true way of Islam, like the true Jihad, being within your own heart. great material.

Islam & Terrorism (Dr. Muhammad Tahir Ul Qadri)
- a zealous Muslim Imam on terrorism, and how it is completely against the words of prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him, as they will say always)

- wonderful site, meant for people from Christianity and other religions. an eye-opener, no doubt!

- discussions between Muslims & Christians. let the wise men speak, and make up your own mind.

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