Conspiracy Facts

What is happening to us today, while the Church is soundly asleep?
And how in the world do so few people even know this?

Babylon is alive and well, and still wants to reach the heavens and become like God. Here are some things around you that you might not have noticed:

Food Poisoning (forbidden toxins are all at once permitted)

Fluoride in Tapwater (same tactics as hitler used to make people more cooperative)

Haarp  #2  #3 (changing our weather, causing earthquakes etc.)

Mind Control #2 #3 #4 (through all our daily communication devises, like our t.v.)

Money is Debt (the unbelievable facts about today's 'money')

Chemtrails  #2 #3 (manipulating our God-given atmosphere, fighting 'global warming' & weather disorder)

Project Bluebeam  #2 (deception, through [1] global holograms, [2] 'exposing' falsehood of all Religions, [3] placing false voices in our heads, [4] forcing us microchips)

Georgia Guidestones (10 commandments for the NWO)

Micro-Chips  #2 (implanted chip with all your info, GPS location & money access)

...still more to be added

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