One World Religion #2

What exactly is the main message of our western media?

man becomes God.

This is nothing new since the days of Adam & Hawwah, and once we get back to our senses, it becomes so obvious why our televisions should be off, magazines unopened & videogames unplayed. Get your focus back where it belongs; get right with your Creator. Listen to your God-given consciousness, and stop numbing it down.

Can't we see how division between religions is set up? Jews, Muslims & Christians - we all face persecution for our allegiance to YHWH, the Most High. Should we fight eachother over changes in doctrine? Sure there are very big differences in beliefs, though most of the dividing walls are made out of illusion & falsehood. And by who?

The coming One World Religion is our common enemy, and is a vital part of the new Secular World Order. None of our monotheistic faiths should even be a religion, it is a passion & a lifestyle. As long as we fight eachother, we will never stand up to our true enemy.

Will we stand side by side?
Or will we give in to Satan's hypnotic mindcontrol?

the following poem might be said about all our man-driven religions:

in Germany,
they came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up
because I wasn't a Communist;

and then they came for the Trade Unionists,
and I didn't speak up
because I wasn't a Trade Unionist;

and then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up
because i wasn't a Jew;

and then... they came for me,
...and by that time
there was no-one left to speak up

- Niemöller

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